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Pharmacology Lecture

Research room overview

Using “relief from pain” as a key word, we have studied to reveal the pain control system and mechanism of tolerance and dependence development caused by opioids. ?Recently, we have developed research with themes of “involvement of neuroinflammation in the pathology of neuropathic pain,” “evaluation of the physiological function of nicotine and its therapeutic application to diseases,” and “clarifications of tolerance and dependence development caused by addictive drugs.”

Education overview

We provide primary knowledge of the in-vitro mechanism of drugs, including “mechanism at individual cell level” and “factors affecting efficacy.” ?We provide education aiming to train healthcare professionals who fully understand and apply the pharmacology and adverse effects of drugs used to treat, diagnose, and prevent.

Subjects taught in this research room

School of Medicine Living Organisms and Drugs, Pharmacology Training, and Basic Medicine Problem-based Learning (PBL)
School of Health and Nursing Science Basic Pharmacology, and Clinical Pharmacology
Subjects common throughout the graduate school Introduction to Pharmacology, and Introduction to Medical Science Research Method

Research summaries and achievements (from 2007)

  • Research themes
  • Original article
  • Books?Review
  • Other
  1. 前田正信, 向阪彰, 岸岡史郎, 岩橋秀夫, 池田裕明, 竹下達也, 宮下和久, 有田幹雄, 冨田耕太郎, 和気秀文: 柿による悪酔い防止の生理学的研究, 自律神経, 47 (1), 32-38, 2010.
  2. 早野泰造, 岸岡史郎, 山本博之, 生駒芳久: 計算化学から見た薬物の特性 (9)抗てんかん薬, 和歌山医学, 58 (4), 181-184, 2007.
  3. 早野泰造, 岸岡史郎, 山本博之, 生駒芳久: 計算化学から見た薬物の特性 (8)Benzodiazepines, 和歌山医学, 58 (4), 185-187, 2007.